We don't have a Boxing Day Sale but what's even better is the SEE-change bulk buy. It's on again - back for the 4th time.
Join the SEE-Change bulk buy scheme and receive a 15% discount on an Electric Bike, or kit to retro fit an existing bike, from Switched on Cycles.You just need for join SEE-Change…a bargain at $25 for an individual or $10 for concession.
10 people are needed for the bulk buy to happen, so tell your friends and come and try a bike.
To get more information about the bulk buy email event@see-change.org.au or talk to us at Switched on Cycles.
SEE-change SEE-Change is a community, not-for-profit group focused on local grass roots action in Canberra. Their mission is to inspire, inform and support action to reduce Canberra's ecological footprint, improve the resilience of the ecosystem and enhance the wellbeing of all individuals.
The 'SEE' in SEE-Change stands for Society, the Environment and the Economy.
Their activities are practical in nature and developed by local SEE-Change groups to best meet the needs and interests of their local communities.
SEE-Change also create workable, collaborative community project models that can be picked up by other community groups Australia-wide, and collaborate with local businesses to provide discounts and special offers to our members.